Sunday, March 19, 2006


You are falling under my spell

You cannot resist crazy-devil bat-pug. You will surrender all pupperonis at once. Posted by Picasa again

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.....get outta here with that camera!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa


Dad's lap

Anytime Dad uses the computer I insist on sitting on his lap and falling asleep like this. it makes it very hard for Dad to do his shoolwork though.... Posted by Picasa


Ladies love my double-curl

 Posted by Picasa



We had this cuty-pie for a sleepover one night. Mama
found her on the road, so she stayed with us until we
could find her mama....... Posted by Picasa


Oh Lordy

sleeping is what I do best Posted by Picasa

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