Thursday, August 17, 2006


We've been tagged by Baxterman!!!!!!

Five weird things about me - Baxter:

1. I start crying every mornign at 4am for food.

2. My tongue hangs out the left side of my mouth...constantly

3. I refuse to go up the stairs when it is bed time. I sit and wait until my dad picks me up and carries me to bed.

4. I can dig an allergy or heartworm pill out of anything you stick it in to trick me into eating it.

5. I only play with the toys that I have gutted. Mom calls them my carcasses.

Five weird things about me - Herbie:

1. I won't get on the furniture unless mom or dad invites me up. They have to say "you're invited" and then touch me on the head before I jump up.

2. I pee on my brother sometimes.

3. I love, love, love cheese.

4. I eat parrot food that my birdy brother throws out of his cage.

5. I can swim with out a life vest (most pugs that I know of can't).

We tag BUBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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